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Local River and Fishing Info


The Passumpsic River and East Branch

The Passumpsic River is a 22.7 mile long tributary of the Connecticut River. While it is primarily located in Caledonia county it is uniquely the only river to flow through all three counties located in the Northeast Kingdom. The origins of the Passumpsic River are primarily in West Branch which has its start where it exits out of the east side of Newark Pond. The East Branch starts about 1/2 mile southeast of Sukes Pond in Brighton. The confluence of the East and West Branches is in Lyndonville and flows almost 23 miles before it joins the Connecticut River.

The main stream flows through Lyndonville and St.Johnsbury where the scenery is not as picturesque or wild as the northern branches but the water quality is clear and clean supporting a healthy aquatic life. The state of Vermont annually stocks this section with several hundred two year old Brown and Rainbow trout within the 12 to 18 inch range.  Many of these fish become successful holdovers and grow into large, beautiful fish, particularly the Brown trout. Advanced anglers looking for larger fish and technical fishing are often very impressed with this section of the Passumpsic River during the spring, early summer, and fall seasons.


The East Branch originates about 1/2 mile southeast of Sukes Pond in Brighton in Essex county where State Rte 114 nearly parallels it as it runs south, southeast along it's journey. During the journey it is in Newark by the Jack Brook, Mill Brook/King Brook then the confluence of Bean Brook and Whetstone Brook in and near East Haven. In Burke, Flower Brook enters, Duck Pond drains into the the East Branch,then the northeast and northwest sides of Burke Mountain drain into Dish Mill Brook while the southwest sides drain into Mountain Brook both joining the East Branch in Burke and East Burke. The East Branch confluences with the West Branch just north Lyndonville forming the beginning of the Passumpsic River.  The East Branch is brook trout water, and is not currently stocked, so natives prevail in the waters north of Burke.


The Clyde River

The Clyde River is a tributary of Lake Memphremagog (land of where the rivers flow north) The Clyde has as it's source in Spectacle Pond located in Island Pond, Vermont and flows approximately 33.5 miles to where it enters Lake Memphremagog in Newport, Vermont. The American Whitewater Association rates the river flows as having Class I,II< and III sections crossing 4 lakes and ponds during it's journey.  The Clyde River is an incredibly diverse fishery requiring many different techniques and strategies depending on the section of the river you are planning on fishing. The Lower Clyde in Newport is a historic spawning ground of land-locked salmon while different sections are plentiful with Brook Trout which have been known to up to 3 pounds, brown trout, rainbow trout, as well as Lake Trout are found along the path of the river flow.  This is a very fun and popular drift float from April through June, and the Watermaster Bruin offers access to sections of the river few get to experience.  


Paul Stream

Paul Stream originates on the north side of West Mountain in Ferdinand then flows approximately 180 degrees around the base of West Mountain. Steven Brook and North Branch enter Paul Stream upstream from where it enters the extensive Ferdinand Bog where the outlet streams of South American Pond and Madison Brook join mid bog. Paul Stream leaves the southeasterly corner of Ferdinand Bog where further downstream Granby Stream and it's tributaries of Wilke, Tolman, Stony, and Fitch Brooks join the journey Both Maidstone Lake and Paul Pond outlets join a little further downstream Paul Stream joins the Connecticut River in Brunswick after it's 9.9 mile journey.  Paul Stream is brook trout water, with a mix of native and stocked fish, as well as holdovers.  Paul Stream is a truly beautiful destination for a day of exploring true Vermont pocket water.  Over 12 miles of dirt road streamside and rarely a fisherman, a true favorite.


The Coaticook and Pherrins Drainage

The Coaticook River in Vermont is located in and near the town of Norton. The source of the Coaticook River is Norton Pond and is another north flowing river in The Northeast Kingdom. Coaticook River is an Abenaki name meaning " river of the land of the white pine". It flows north with approximately 4.2 miles in Vermont before it crosses the international border into Canada.It eventually becomes part of the St Lawrence River watershed in Quebec. The river along the Vermont is reasonably narrow and crosses through both forested and an agricultural valley and is roughly paralleded by a railway and by Vt Rte 114 on the east side.  The Coaticook boasts wild brown and brook trout.


The Pherrins River is a tributary of the Clyde River flowing is Essex and Orleans counties. The valley of the Pherrins is a connecting passage between Island Pond and Norton Pond the headwaters of the Coaticook River that flows north into Quebec.

The headwaters of the Pherrins River is located in the area of Warrens Gore on the northwest flank of Bluff Mountain in Essex county.The river meanders it's way approximately 9.9 miles through forest, marsh, and agricultural landscapes before flowing into the Clyde River about 6/10 of a mile below where The Clyde River mouth of Island Pond starts. It is part of the Lake Memphremagog watershed. The brook trout found in the Pherrins are native fish not hatchery fish and are part of the VTFWCG's Native Brook Trout Initiative that promotes the unique, valuable, and irreplaceable resource that serve as indicators of the watersheds they inhabit.

A hidden gem for a reason, the Pherrin’s is a difficult and tight stream that runs high in the spring and has deep buckets and pockets which make for difficult wading, combined with overhanging trees.


The Connecticut River

603 748-3754

Island Pond, Vt

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